Wednesday 24 March 2010

Lintel part 2, and some other bits.

Lintel is in. Jolly good. It is quite large and makes a statement in the room, but i think once the walls are plastered etc. it will look really nice. Most importantly it is holding the wall up (well, once the acros are removed hopefully it will!) and was fitted without anything falling down!

Here are some snaps of the old lintel looking rather sorry for itself...

George didn't seem too impressed

At night, if you listen really carefully you can hear the worms saying "yum yum yum"

The front and bottom edge

It might not be very interesting to look at, but for those who remember how the cabling was going into the old fuse board will appreciate the tidiness of these images!

In other news, my back is feeling a fair bit better so hoping to get my 2 weeks over easter to press on, and we have had to move the trailer from the front of the house (bowling green side) as Susan is getting a new fence fitted today and we wouldn't have been able to get it out! So a 7:15am shift about returned the trailer to its unlawful home on mount road. My plan is to remove our number plate, leaving Hannah's parents one on show ;) "I know nooothing" - as Manuel would say.

And finally...

every now again i'll come across an old photo and think "what are we doing, it wasn't bad at all how it was!



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