Today is the today that the carpets go in. Hurrah. It has been a little bit of a race to get ready in time but we managed it. We have sanded, painted, cleaned, swept, built shelves, cleaned windows (sort of) waxed doors, plastered walls re lime washed walls re organised sheds, tidied tools and not slept much, but very very soundly when we have!
Everything has gone quite well. I needed to take Friday off work to make sure everything got done, and it was worth it as I finished getting the shelves in the cupboard which I wouldn't have managed otherwise as well as painted the windows and the like.
Here's the twist - I knew everything had gone too smoothly.
Earlier on Sunday I packed my plumbing equipment away and at the time wondered if I was jumping the gun! At about 8pm I had one last thing to do, run the TV cable around the edge of the room. I proceeded to drill a hole through the vestibule wall to run the cable and soon hit a radiator pipe! I was slightly annoyed with myself. It was in such an awkward place! gutted. Some good thinking and a handy wife to put fingers over holes and mop up meant it was fixed and the system refilled within about an hour and a half.
Hannah did a great job of clearing up and wiping down paintwork etc while I messed about with bits of copper. I am so grateful! Somehow we still didn't manage to eat tea until about 12:30am. Ah yes, we were lime washing walls, that's why. All the sweeping and cleaning kicked up a load of dust, not well disguised on white walls.
So it was a funny day. We were/are both absolutely knackered, we were both excited to have finished the bulk of the work, but the bust pipe and late night took the shine off it. The highlight of the day though had to be the prophetic word brought at church in the morning containing the phrase 'Shit and grease' not once, but twice. Brilliant.
Here are some photos with the living room stripped, cleaned and ready for carpets.

Vestibule done and wall and beams cleaned.

Fireplace all cleaned up

Lime wash still hadn't dried

Stairs all painted

The bathroom door is waxed

beam well cleaned by hannah

wall looks green as lime wash hadn't dried yet.

Done Lists - almost complete! Still no lights or sockets though. All in good time.

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