Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Float Coat Update #2

Mmm Sleepy.

Just a quick update.

yesterday (Tuesday) I finished the float coat on the front of the house. I wrapped up at about 3pm, leaving time for a quick trip to Womersleys to pick up some lime wash.

Today was always going to be a hard day as I wanted to float coat the entire rear elevation in one go. I started at 8am and got finished at 7pm. I'm pleased it is all done!

It went without a hitch pretty much. The only 2 comical moments were catching my metal float on the flu for the boiler and it ricocheting in to my forehead, and removing the drainpipe without a new one prepared just before the heavens opened :)

I did fix up a temporary drainpipe using a soil waste pipe i had intended to use for the french drain.

Any hoo.

The forecast for the last 3 days has been showers, but until the last hour today there hasn't been a spot of rain. Its been ideal conditions really.

I'll post some pics hopefully tomorrow.

Going now. Bye.

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