I took friday off work on flexi time as the boss in on at me to cut it down a little. I have less than 2 weeks flexi now... should make him a little happier.

So Friday i took out the floor in the pantry part of the kitchen, removed the radiator and built a studd wall around the fridge and plasterboarded it.
To take the radiator off the wall I needed to drain the central heating. I wasn't planning to need to do this, but it wasn't possible to get the floor out without removing it. ANyway, so I drained the system cut the pipes and got on with the day. Only when it came to shower time and the water wasn't getting hot I realised that I needed to repressureise the boiler. Doh.
I didn't have the bits i needed (8mm stop ends) to fill the system, so that was a job for saturday.

Saturday brought a very inefficient day of shopping. I visited wickes, plumbcenter, screwfix and B&Q.. twice chasing bits down and recitifying my own mistakes. frustrating, but I got my stop ends on and filled the sytem in time to do the dishes from lunch. In the afternoon i finished the pantry stud wall while listening to the footy on Radio 5. I took it steady as I had a stonking headache.
I finished up early and had an evening eating pasta with hannah.
So a slightly slow weekend in terms of productivity with extended shopping trips and headaches but it's a job done.
The next step was to experiment in taking the plaster off the pantry wall to a) see how difficult it is to take off, and b) to practice putting lime on.
I thought it would be clever to mark a 1 meter square on the wall and time myself to see how long it would take to remove. I could then use this as a rough guide to how long the rest of the house will take. So far its about 45 minutes for a foot square... slow going.
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