Just a quick update as there is football to be watched. It's been a month since i last posted, so wanted to stick up the few things we've been doing. Mostly we've been enjoying living in a nice house and having a few folks around. In between this and work and general day to day stuff we've been trying to work on the snag list. If i can remember correctly i think this is what we have been up to...
We went up north for ma evans' birthday meal and to pick up all our stuff that had been in storage at long bank. We made a good start sorting stuff out and putting it away - but this has significantly slowed recently. We also got the dining chairs back from uni where i had stored them since we tore the house apart 11 months ago.
I've spent 2 saturdays and a couple of evenings working in the garden, trying to get the place looking respectable! The garden has been a builders yard for over a year now so I felt we owed it to the neighbours (who assumed we must have had a complaint to spur us in to action (we hadn't)) to get it sorted and looking nice. We also want to make so we can enjoy it and maybe have a BBQ and a few beers in it over the summer!
So far I've taken 5 trailers full of rubbish to the tip! I also used up the 1.5 tons of gravel we had left from the french drain to freshen up the gravel at the back of the house and make a path in front of the sheds. I used the stones from the old fireplace we tore out for the border.
One afternoon we spent cleaning the windows which made a massive difference. Hannah also cleaned the bathroom which was mega nice - it had a years worth of dust and muck in it. No excuses now!
What else... umm, we bought a cabinet on Ebay for a bargain price of 12 english pounds to house our AV equipment. It has our amp, cd player, xbox 360 and virgin box in it. It's nice to have it tucked away.
We also mounted the 5.1 speakers. we plumped for the canton movie 80cx cinema system. They sound ace and relatively well priced for their quality. However, as we were mounting them not at head height and the supplied brackets didn't tilt, i had to buy some tilting brackets and modify them to attach the fixings for the speaker. This leads to not such a sleek look but it does the job. We are really happy with the speakers and enjoyed watching I Am Legend in glorious 5.1 on Friday. Nice.
We also got a projector mount to put the projector on the ceiling. It only came in silver though, so a dab of white paint was applied before fixing it to the ceiling. I still need to wire the vga, video and power sockets hence the dangling cables!
What else. oh, i fitted the laundry maid on the landing. very useful!
Still lots to do but we just keep plugging away. Got to go now, football is on and i want to make the most of the big screen.
until next time...
here are some pics in a random order.

Laundry maid. Brilliant

living room in it's current configuration. Note surround speakers and cupboard full of books cd and dvds from oop north

things to note: projector and clean windows

builders yard/garden

big screen sports int he comfort of our own home. Brill.

garden in it's current state - 5 trailers of rbbish later

the real head of the house - george